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Something Extra: Loving Siri

MIAMI (CBS4) - The iPhone 4S's Siri personal assistant was sold as something out of the Jetsons.

You talk to your phone and it does what you ask it to do: answer questions, text for you, read your emails out loud, remind you of your anniversary.

Despite a recent lawsuit saying Siri doesn't work as advertised, a new survey shows 70% of users are very satisfied or satisfied with the intelligent assistant.

I'm one of them.  When told Siri I loved her, she answered "you are the wind beneath my wings."  See?  It's mutual.  Please don't tell my wife.

So, you'd think iPhone users would be excited about using Siri with other electronics, including their TVs.  The survey shows they're mostly interested, but not by a big majority.  That may not be good news for Apple which is rumored to be planning a Siri, voice-activated TV, which would spare you the remote control.

And Siri does have its limitations.  When I asked to tell me a joke, she said: "Two iPhones walk into a bar... I can't remember the rest."

Maybe Siri's next version can help me with the jokes.

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