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Something Extra: Bubble Mania

MIAMI (CBS4) - In the past, I've made fun of some of the crazy days on the American calendar.  Today, is one of the crazier ones... National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.

But, judging by how many YouTube videos I found, Americans seem to like to pop until they drop.

My favorite was a guy who does a whole hip hop dance popping the stuff.  They say once you pop, you just can't stop.

That certainly seemed to be the case with kids.

On the other hand, you might want to keep the cats away from it... the loud popping seems to freak them out.

Bubble wrap has now been around for more than fifty years and a study, admittedly financed by the industry, says it's a great stress reliever.  Supposedly, one minute of popping is as good for stress as a thirty-three minute massage, and that people who have popped recently are less stressed about their health than those who haven't.

Maybe they should put bubble wrap in psychiatrists' offices and in our newsroom.

But better than a massage?

I'm going to start popping.

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