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Social Network Helps You Know Your Neighbors

MIAMI (CBS4) - Doors closed, windows shut and empty streets; neighborhood are less neighborly.

"When I was young, I grew up, every one knew each other," Davie resident Kathy Bienick said. "People are always working now."

But at the community of Country Creek in Davie neighbors are meeting and mingling at National Night Out, an annual nationwide crime prevention event. To organize it and ensure all the neighbors were in the loop, Bienick used a new social networking tool called Nextdoor.

Nextdoor is a way to communicate 'neighbor-to-neighbor'.

"It's like Facebook for a neighborhood," Bienick said.

Nirav Tolia, Nextdoor's founder, is hoping to connect communities just like Facebook has done for the world.

"Why isn't there a service that helps us connect with those right outside our front door. That was the inspiration for Nextdoor, to bring back that sense of community to your neighborhood," Tolia said.
Just get your community signed up to Nextdoor and begin connecting…

Need to borrow a ladder? Or someone to mow your lawn? How about finding out when local construction is going to wrap up?

It's how Bienick got the Country Creek neighborhood networking…

"You can put up your updates, having an event, if you want to sell something, if you're having a garage sale, if you need a babysitter," said Bienick.

Plus, you can feel safe knowing who is signing up in your neighborhood.

"Every single member on Nextdoor has to verify their address so you know every single person actually live right in your neighborhood," Tolia said.

With more than 300 homes her in Davie community, Bienick said it's the way to know who's living next door.

"It does help us get to know one another. You can communicate directly with them," said Bienick.

For more information on Nextdoor, go to

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