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So, who's right, wrong in the Tyreek Hill traffic stop? Former prosecutor weighs in

Expert sounds off on Tyreek Hill traffic stop
Expert sounds off on Tyreek Hill traffic stop 02:32

MIAMI - The police body cam video showing Dolphins star Tyreek Hill being pulled over and yanked out of his car is getting traction across the country. People are weighing in on who was right and who was not. 

David Weinstein is a former prosecutor, both state and federal, and is now a defense attorney. He took a look, commenting on why the officer insisted Hill put his window down. 

"The reason the officer knocked on his windows is because they're tinted windows.  Anytime an officer approaches a vehicle he has concerns for his safety," Weinstein said. 

He said the situation got out of hand very quickly. It took less than a minute from when an officer knocked on Hill's window until he was yanked from his car by 3 officers. 

"Now, it got to a point where it shouldn't have gotten to there was no reason to use this much force, to have this much show of authority to get somebody out of the car," he said. 

Weinstein said Hill should have kept his window down as ordered. 

"If he had just left the window down, handed them the license, took the license back from them, waited for them to give them the ticket. It wouldn't have ended up like this again. Doesn't excuse the conduct of the officers," he said. 

And there's the run in two teammates had with police after they pulled up to see what was happening. 

Calais Campbell was briefly cuffed after police said he didn't follow their orders. 

"Other than to just show who's in charge, there was no reason to have put the second player in cuffs, or to have let it get, you know completely and totally out of hand," Weinstein said. 

Campbell was not arrested. Meanwhile, the officer who detained Hill is on administrative duty as an internal investigation gets under way. 

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