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Florida Senate President May Move Presidential Primary

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4) - The date when Florida residents go to the polls to vote in the presidential primary may be on the move.

Florida's 2012 primary is scheduled for Jan. 31, but the Republican and Democratic national committees want it moved to the first Tuesday in March at the earliest.

On Wednesday Senate President Mike Haridopolos says he'd be willing to move Florida's presidential primary but only if the state is the fifth to pick a nominee.

The RNC and DNC agreed on a primary schedule that lets New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada hold primaries and caucuses in February. Haridopolos said he has no problem with those states going first, but he wants Florida to be next and not part of a Super Tuesday vote. He said Florida will determine who will be in the White House after next year's election and should have a larger role in picking nominees.

(©2011 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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