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Scott To Sign Unpopular Budget Thursday

TALLAHASSEE ( - Florida Governor Rick Scott will sign the new Florida budget Thursday afternoon. But while Scott is trying to sell his new budget as a "jobs budget," poll numbers show that Florida voters have soured on both Scott and his self-proclaimed "jobs budget."

Scott will sign the new budget in The Villages in central Florida, which has traditionally been very friendly to the Governor.

In Governor Scott's announcement on the budget signing, he said he was "delivering on his promise to lower taxes, grow private-sector jobs and hold government accountable."

The key point there was private-sector jobs. Scott and leading Republicans are more than willing to sacrifice public sector jobs to achieve their goals, even if it means higher unemployment overall in the state of Florida.

Poll results show that a majority of voters disapprove of the new state budget that will cut billions from education and other social service areas.

And more troubling for Scott and the GOP, 54 percent of those surveyed said the new state budget is unfair to people like them. This included 68 percent of Democrats, 38 percent of Republicans, and 52 percent of independents.

Forty-seven percent of Floridians said the state budget cuts go too far. This is especially true in South Florida where 52 percent said the budget cuts go too far.

In addition, 69 percent of voters said the new spending cuts touted by the GOP and the tea party will hurt or make no difference in the state's economy.

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