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Scientists Predict More Earthquakes For Haiti

MIAMI (CBS4) - Haiti is in for more shaking if a study published today, Oct. 24, online at Nature Geoscience is to be believed.

The study talks about a blind fault as the likely trigger for the devastating earthquake that killed thousands of people in the island nation early this year.

This study, as reported in The Miami Herald, said that pressure continues to build along the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden fault zone that lies underneath Haiti.

In fact, the study said that Haiti will now face a higher risk of quakes.

Unfortunately, scientists cannot predict with accuracy when the quakes will occur, only that they are likely to be more numerous.

The Herald reports University of Miami earthquake expert Timothy Dixon, who co-authored another study in the Nature Geoscience journal, said quakes places such as Turkey and Sumatra strongly suggest it won't take centuries for the next big quake to strike Haiti.

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