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Rubio Confident Ahead Of General Election

DAVIE (CBS4) - As Marco Rubio wraps up his bid to be Florida's next U.S. Senator, the polls show the Republican pulling away as the frontrunner.

"There is no sure winner in politics," Rubio told CBS4's David Sutta at a recent sit down interview. "Let me tell you what we've done for a year and half [and that] is travel the State of Florida and spread our message."

It apparently worked. When he started spreading his message, 20 months ago, he was dead last in the polls.

Slowly, he garnered the support of the emerging tea party and conservatives, eventually becoming so popular he pushed Florida's Governor Charlie Crist, also running for the Senate, out the Republican party.

"Six months ago, Charlie Crist was trying to campaign as the most conservative guy in Florida. And when his pollster told him that didn't work he switched parties." Rubio said.

Rubio was raised in South Florida and is now raising his own family in West Miami.

He spent eight years in the Florida house, two as the house speaker.

"In the two years that I was the speaker of the House, the budgets I passed were the leanest in budgets in Tallahassee. In essence, they were the ones that spent the least and balanced the best," Rubio said.

Since the primary, Rubio has been clear in what distinguishes him from his competition. He claims he is the only candidate who has laid out new plans for America.

"I am the only one with a plan to save social security. I am the only one with a plan to lower our debt. I am the only one with a plan of what government can do to help the private sector grow jobs. I am the only one talking about the real issues of the day," Rubio said.

Rubio's ideas and affiliation with conservatives scare many Democrats and independents.

However, he's been making the following campaign promise, if elected, he says, he will be his own man.

"I am not going up there to be part of anyone's establishment. I am going to Washington and I am willing to work with anybody who wants to protect what makes America special and unique," Rubio said.

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