Trump Puts More Pressure On GOP Ahead Of Health Care Vote
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MIAMI (CBSMiami) -- So far Senate Republicans haven't been able to find a consensus on a health care overhaul and President Donald Trump is pressuring them to stay in Washington until they do.
He issued a new warning Monday afternoon ahead of an expected vote this week.
President Trump said this is the Republicans last chance to do the right thing.
"The American people have waited long enough. There has been enough talk and no action," said President Trump.
The president is turning up the heat on lawmakers to act after hearing from Americans who say Obamacare failed them.
"Any senator that votes against starting debate is telling America you are fine with the Obamacare nightmare. Which is what it is," said President Trump.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell plans to hold a vote Tuesday.
"That means voting to kick off a robust debate where senators of all parties can represent views of their constituents," McConnell.
Republican senators are not yet clear what bill they will be voting on.
"I don't think that's a good approach to legislation that affects millions of people and one sixth of our economy," said Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) while on 'Face The Nation.'
Moderate senator Susan Collins opposes Medicaid cuts in the GOP overhaul plan and says she won't vote for a Obamacare repeal without a replacement.
Conservative Senator Rand Paul said he's only voting yes on a clean repeal bill.
"The problem is Republicans can't seem to agree on what replacement means," said Paul.
The GOP leadership doesn't have much wiggle room. Democrats are unified in their opposition and Senator John McCain is in Arizona receiving treatment for brain cancer. Without McCain, Republicans can only afford to lose one GOP vote to move ahead on any bill.
President Trump called Democrats obstructions for not working with Republicans to overhaul healthcare. Democrats say they are willing to work with Republicans on improving Obamacare, but not a repeal.