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Poll Shows Scott's Popularity Improving Slightly

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4) – Floridians may be warming up to Governor Rick Scott a little. While he still isn't the most popular politician in Florida, his numbers are looking up a bit.

A new Quinnipiac University poll released Friday shows Scott's approval rating improved 6 percentage points since May. He now has a job approval rating of 35 percent.

Republicans back Scott by a 61 percent to 23 percent margin while 78 percent of Democrats and half of all independents don't like the way the new governor is handling his job.

"The improvement in Scott's numbers comes primarily from those who would be expected to support him, Republicans and men. But he still has a long way to go to reach the numbers that historically back Republicans," said Peter Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

Scott has many problems ahead of him: voters dislike his policies 54-34 percent; voters disapprove of his handling of the state budget 57-32 percent; and by a 39-26 margin, voters say spending cuts in the state budget will hurt, rather than help, the state's economy.

A majority of voters, 51-33 percent, said the new state budget is unfair to them.

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