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Poll: Scott Approval Rating At 27 Percent

MIAMI ( – Florida Governor Rick Scott's polling numbers continue to fall harder than the Florida Marlins in the month of June.

The latest Sunshine State News poll gave Governor Scott an approval rating of 27 percent. On the flipside, Sunshine State News found that Scott's disapproval rating stood at 58 percent.

Scott's problems with voters reach across party lines and all age groups. Scott's never been popular with Democrats, but his approval rating amongst Republicans has now dropped below 50 percent and his disapproval ratings have jumped to 34 percent.

Central Florida, which typically gave Scott good numbers due tea party fervor in the region, has even turned against Scott. Sunshine State News found that in Central Florida Scott's approval rating was 28 percent and his disapproval rating was 54 percent.

The bigger problem for Scott, and Florida Republicans, will be getting a base excited about the 2012 election if so many people disapprove of the GOP-leg legislature and Scott. It would give Democrats an opening to secure the state of Florida for President Barack Obama.

The question for Republican presidential candidates will be how much they want to be associated with Scott if his poll numbers remain weak. Given the expected tightness of the race, and the swing-state status of Florida, if Scott's poll numbers turns into an albatross; he'll be persona non grata in 2012.

For comparison sake, the only politician who polled above 40 percent in the Sunshine State News poll was former Governor Charlie Crist.

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