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Obama Discusses Plans For Cuba Visit Next Month

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WASHINGTON, D.C. (CBSMiami) -- This week, President Barack Obama announced he'd become the first sitting U.S. President to travel to Cuba in 88 years with a scheduled trip in March. On Saturday, he discussed the trip in further detail.

The March 21-22 visit continues the ongoing efforts to further diplomatic relations between the two countries.

"It builds on the decision I made more than a year ago to begin a new chapter in our relationship with the people of Cuba," said Pres. Obama in his weekly address. "I believe that the best way to advance American interests and values, and the best way to help the Cuban people improve their lives, is through engagement—by normalizing relations between our governments and increasing the contacts between our peoples."

With the opportunities to share technology and business with Cuba, the president noted the overwhelming support for the new relationship.

"American companies are starting to do business in Cuba, helping to nurture private enterprise and giving Cuban entrepreneurs new opportunities. With new Wi-Fi hotspots, more Cubans are starting to go online and get information from the outside world," said the president.

He said his visit keeps relations moving forward.

"I'll meet with President Castro to discuss how we can continue normalizing relations, including making it easier to trade and easier for Cubans to access the Internet and start their own businesses. As I did when I met President Castro last year, I'll speak candidly about our serious differences with the Cuban government, including on democracy and human rights. I'll reaffirm that the United States will continue to stand up for universal values like freedom of speech and assembly and religion.

Pres. Obama went on to say he'll meet with "civil society-courageous men and women" that act as a voice for the people, as well as entrepreneurs and new business ventures.

He ended the talk saying, "We're still in the early days of our new relationship with the Cuban people. This transformation will take time. But I'm focused on the future, and I'm confident that my visit will advance the goals that guide us—promoting American interests and values and a better future for the Cuban people, a future of more freedom and more opportunity."

The last U.S. President to travel to the island was Calvin Coolidge in 1928, who arrived on a U.S. battleship.

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