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O Cinema responds to Miami Beach's eviction threat over documentary "No Other Land"

O Cinema responds to Miami Beach's eviction threat over documentary "No Other Land"
O Cinema responds to Miami Beach's eviction threat over documentary "No Other Land" 02:35

Civil rights groups, community leaders and artists are coming to the defense of the O Cinema theater on South Beach, which has been threatened with eviction for its screenings of the controversial film No Other Land.

On Tuesday, Vivian Marthell, the CEO of O Cinema, was joined by representatives from the ACLU, the Miami Light Project and the Community Justice Project to discuss the First Amendment concerns raised by Miami Beach's threat of eviction and withdrawal of approximately $40,000 in city grant funding. 

"O Cinema has long been known for its commitment to presenting a wide range of voices and viewpoints. The ability to document history and share diverse perspectives is a fundamental First Amendment right—one that cannot be erased or suppressed simply because those in power disapprove of a particular message," O Cinema said in a statement.

Miami Beach considering action

Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner calls the movie antisemitic and a "…one-sided propaganda attack on the Jewish people…"

Originally, the city's commission was scheduled to vote on Wednesday on a resolution by Meiner that would "terminate for convenience the O Cinema lease" and "immediately discontinue grant funding."

"Threatening to evict a theater for show a film is clearly an act of censorship, plain and simple. It violates the very principles of free speech and artistic expression that are foundational to a democracy," Mitch Kaplan, founder of Books & Books, said.

"The First Amendment guarantees that ideas, no matter how challenging or controversial, can be shared without fear of government retribution," he added. "When elected officials attempt to silence a film they cross a dangerous line."

Tuesday afternoon, Meiner added a new resolution to the agenda. It urges Living Arts Trust Inc. (DBA O Cinema) to present films that fairly and accurately represent all perspectives on the ongoing war between Israel and the groups Hamas and Hezbollah.

It is unclear if the Meiner will remove his previous threat to defund O Cinema from the agenda.

"Mayor Meiner's brazen statements that we are in a "propaganda war," combined with his new proposed resolution, make it even more clear that he is taking this retaliatory action because he disagrees with a particular viewpoint. That is patently unconstitutional," an attorney for O Cinema said in a statement.

Controversial award winner

The documentary No Other Land, made by a Palestinian-Israeli team, shows a group of Palestinian villages' interaction with the Israeli military in Masafer Yatta in the West Bank.

It has received international acclaim and was recently awarded the Academy Award for Best Documentary. Every screening at O Cinema has been sold out.

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