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NW Dade Man Found Shot To Death In Car

NW MIAMI-DADE (CBS4) - A South Florida man was found shot to death in his own car, in front of his own home and his family members had no idea until they discovered his body hours later.

It happened early Saturday morning at 2925 NW 97th Street in Northwest Miami-Dade.

Twenty four year old Victor Melgar's own grandmother found his body slumped in the driver's side seat of his Nissan Maxima.

"He was my first grandchild. My first grandchild and they took him from me. They took him from me," said Christina Castro.

"We still expect him to come, like he used to always come through the doors and have that smile on his face," Melgar's aunt Monica Macias told CBS4's Natalia Zea.

Macias said Melgar and his girlfriend went to the Miami-Dade County Fair Friday night and he dropped her off at home. A few hours later the shots rang out on his street. Melgar's family heard the gunshots that killed him. But neither they nor their neighbors called 911.

"Because of the fear, they didn't want to come out and the neighbors also, they didn't want to come out," said Macias.

Six hours later they discovered the victim was their own loved one. They say they have no idea who did this or why.

"He didn't really cause any trouble, everybody knew him around here. He was a home body, he would come home every night."

Macias said Melgar is a father of a young boy, and has worked at a nearby Walmart for the past five years. He was planning to go back to school and recently celebrated a birthday.

"On Facebook he posted...he was thanking god for giving him another year of life."

Macias is sure whoever killed her nephew will be punished.

"They know what they did and they're gonna pay either way. If it's not here it's in another life."

Police said they don't have any clear leads on the shooter and they do not know the motive.

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