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No Flakes (Of Snow) In Florida

MIAMI (CBS4) - As snow continues to wreak havoc across much of the nation, it makes the decision you made to live in the Sunshine State look that much better.

Plus, it's fun to taunt friends and relatives in other parts of the nation as they dig out from a winter weather wallop from Mother Nature.

So how bad is the snow around the country? Through Tuesday, only one state in the country didn't have snow. Florida is the only state without a flake…of snow.

All other 49 states have snow on the ground, including Hawaii. Mauna Kea on the Big Island saw snowfall over the last few days leaving only the Sunshine State without snow.

The Deep South saw several inches of snowfall from the system that will eventually dump up to a foot of snow on parts of New England and the New York area. A series of systems have blanketed the Midwest and West.

But here in Florida, it might be a little chilly, but there's not a chance of snow for most of the rest of the state over the next week. A big ridge of high pressure will stabilize the weather around the area at least through the early part of next week.

This will have areas as far north as Tallahassee pushing 70 degrees by next week.

Here in South Florida, we're going to see highs around 80 by next week after a cool-down to end the work week. And as reported yesterday, the chance of rain is next to nil and that is only going to exacerbate the ongoing drought that is worsening each day the area goes without rain.

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