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Multiple Incidents, Arrests As Several Men Are Tased On Miami Beach

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MIAMI BEACH (CBSMiami) – Ocean Drive seems to be back to a tourist destination but last night two separate incidents led to several people being arrested.

Police had to use a taser on a man before arresting him Friday night following a traffic stop for failing to wear a seatbelt.

Pierre Williams, 38, according to the arrest report, ignored officers' multiple verbal and physical attempts to pull him over while driving northbound on Ocean Drive near 9th Street.

At one point, officers reached into the car, physically putting the car in park and turned the ignition off. The report says Williams reached for what officers thought was a weapon multiple times.

The report continues, saying Williams struck several officers, who returned the hits. Williams was eventually tased multiple times and transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Several hours later, two more men were arrested for interfering with another traffic stop, also on Ocean Drive.

Clive Walker and Desmond James Jr. were taken into custody.

According to the arrest report, James got into a physical altercation with officers and was tased before being cuffed.

No weapons were found in either incident.

The activity comes on the heels of a heated battle between South Beach business owners, residents and policy makers who, after the violence on Urban Beach weekend, are calling to end alcohol sales at 2 a.m. and restrict the noise on Ocean Drive.

Policing the area has also created some tension between city hall and the police department.

Commissioner Kristen Rosen Gonzalez has questioned the leadership of police Chief Dan Oates, calling for him to step down and the removal of police body cams -- the city manager has said he completely disagrees.

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