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"Move To Canada" Searches Spike After Super Tuesday Results

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) -- After big victories on Super Tuesday for both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, google searches for how Americans can move to Canada spiked dramatically overnight.

Google Data Editor Simon Rogers spotted the trend and posted that by Wednesday night, "moving to Canada" searches jumped by 350%.

Several hours later and "how can I move to Canada" was at nearly 1,150%, followed by "moving to Canada" up 110% and "can I move to Canada" up 90%, as reported by

Trump and Clinton each took seven states during the Super Tuesday run. Both lead their opponents by a significant margin as primary voting is underway.

The worried American crowd just may have shut down Canada's citizenship and immigration website in their scramble.

The home page reads: "You may experience delays while using the website. We are working to resolve this issue. Thank you for your patience."

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