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Miami Mayor To Speak With Police Chief About Violent Video

MIAMI (CBS4) - Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado plans to meet with Miami Police Chief Miguel Exposito to discuss a violent video posted on YouTube involving city police officers.

On Wednesday, Regalado was outraged when CBS4 showed him the video for the first time. Now he wants answers.

The incident happened on Halloween night in Coconut Grove. IO the video, a police officer is seen repeatedly punching someone who is on the ground. A crowd forms and you can hear people yelling, "that's on video! That's on video!"

"It's a very difficult video to see," said Miami Regalado.

Miami police spokesman Delrish Moss said the department knew about the video and was looking into what happened that night.

"Of course I've spoken to the police chief, I've spoken to internal affairs, we're looking into it. Internal affairs is looking into it to find out what happened on that scene and why," said Moss.

"I was pretty shocked," said Stephen Murray, an elected member of the Coconut Grove Village Council.

Murray also just found out about the video after hearing a friend talk about it.

"It's almost two weeks after Halloween and no one has been talking about it," said Murray. "This reflects poorly on the hundreds of officers who use restraint and serve the city every day."

Which is why Regalado wants a full investigation into what happened before the camera started rolling.

"What you see makes you wonder if the police officer went beyond the call of duty," said Regalado.

CBS4 News reached out to the person who shot the video, but we have not heard back from him.

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