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MIA: Wraparound Check-in Lines Hours Long

MIAMI (cbs4) -- The 2-hour wrap around line at Miami International Airport is not at a security checkpoint, it is at an airline. 

CBS4's David Sutta watched as American Airlines employees delivered the bad news. 

"The waiting time here is more than two hours." 

That was just to check-in at American Airlines. Frustrated fliers are winding around the terminal. 

"Yes I am very frustrated." Eddie Zepeda said.

With a massive blizzard shutting down much of the Northeast, northbound fliers are stranded in an unusually freezing Miami. After waiting hours in line, American counter clerks are delivering more bad news. 

Claudette Barry's head fell into her hands as the clerk told her "Right now as I see it there is nothing to confirm you on." 

Barry and thousands of others are being re-booked for flights taking off Saturday, New Years Day.  To make matters worse the airline has her checked luggage. 

"Now I've got to wait until Saturday."

CBS4's David Sutta asked "To get your bags?" Barry responded "To get my bags and to get on to a flight to New York."

Yes, the grimaces are everywhere. 

Dozens of flights are canceled out of South Florida. Holiday plans are falling apart.

Bonnie Ebanks only had the week to visit her daughter in New York. She has her grandson with her.

"My heart is breaking. He wants to see his mom, and I can't do nothing more." Ebanks said.

Yet few are taking this forced extended vacation in stride. Some were looking to hit up South Beach, despite the chilly temperatures. 

Many, though, like Barry planned to back at the airport Tuesday morning to fly on standby.

At 8'oclock in the evening she was already number 10 on the list for the first flight out.

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