Metal Shavings Prompt Ground Turkey Recall
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MIAMI (CBSMiami) - A North Carolina company which supplies Publix with ground turkey meat has issued a recall after after metal shavings were found in a package.
Prestage Foods, Inc. has recalled approximately 38,475 pounds of ground turkey that may be contaminated with "extraneous materials."
The fresh ground turkey was produced on September 25 and 26, 2017. The following products are subject to recall:
*1.3-lb. White Styrofoam trays with clear plastic film covering packages containing ground turkey labeled "Publix ground turkey breast WITH NATURAL FLAVORINGS" with ink jet printing on the side of trays displaying the first 4 digits of 7268 and 7269.
*1.3-lb. White Styrofoam trays with clear plastic film covering packages containing ground turkey labeled "Publix ground turkey WITH NATURAL FLAVORINGS" with ink jet labeling on the side of trays displaying the first 4 digits of 7268 and 7269.
*1.2-lb. White Styrofoam trays with clear plastic film covering packages containing ground turkey labeled "Fit & Active Fresh Ground Turkey With Natural Flavoring" with ink jet labeling on the side of trays displaying the first 4 digits of 7268 and 7269.
*1.0-lb. White Styrofoam trays with clear plastic film covering packages containing ground turkey labeled "Weis Markets Fresh Ground Turkey Breast" with ink jet labeling on the side of trays displaying the first 4 digits of 7268 and 7269.
The products subject to recall bear establishment number "P-22000" inside the USDA mark of inspection. These items were shipped to retail distribution centers in Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Tennessee.
According to the USDA memo, the problem was reported on September 27th when they were notified by plant employees performing sanitation on processing equipment. On the same day, one store noticed a metal shaving in a package of ground turkey and contacted the company.
Anyone with a package of the recalled meat should either throw it away or return it to the place of purchase.