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Man dragged gator out of children's playground after spotting it near swing set

Georgia man dragged seven foot alligator out of children's playground
Georgia man dragged seven foot alligator out of children's playground 00:26

MIAMI - Living in South Florida we're no strangers to alligators. 

They're everywhere. Lakes, ponds, and golf courses. We've seen videos of them near homes and in swimming pools.

When they appear to be a threat or a nuisance, usually a trapper is called in to remove them.

Well, when a man in Savannah, Georgia spotted one at a children's playground, he took things into his own hands.

Marquell White said when he saw a seven-foot gator near a swing set, he grabbed it by the tail and dragged it away. He said it was a little scary.

"It was a healthy fear. I respected the power that I knew the gator had," he said.

He acknowledged that it was dangerous, and probably not the smartest thing he's done, but he said he didn't want anyone to get blindsided and attacked.

"It wasn't just the fact the gator was there, because gators come and go, but you couldn't see the gator because of grass and foliage," he said.

A video of him dragging the gator away was posted online. Now he and others are urging the city to do more to maintain the park. 

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