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MA Milam K-8 Center prioritizing mental-well being for World Mental Health Day

MA Milam K-8 Center officials making sure students are equipped for World Mental Health Day
MA Milam K-8 Center officials making sure students are equipped for World Mental Health Day 02:24

MIAMI - Mental well-being was on the lesson plan at Miami Dade County Public Schools Monday. 

It's part of a district initiative to help students learn about services for mental health.  

"I'm going to tell you people just have a lot of things going on," Dalylah Ramada, a student said.  

She is part of a student group called, Circle of Leadership, and she is helping to advocate for her peers.

The National mental Illness Alliance (NAMI) estimates that 1 in 6 youth have a mental health condition like anxiety or depression, but only half receive mental health services.  

MDCPS is trying to change that.  

It currently has a mental health professional at each school to assess the needs of each school and provides resources for help.

CBS4 visited MA Milam K-8 Center in Hialeah for a tour of student activities. 

Hands-on experiences included mindfulness exercises, breathing techniques, yoga, and creating a stress ball.  

It's the little techniques that ultimately can help calm nerves and keep students grounded to work through potential mental issues. 

Community health partners were also present to introduce themselves to students.  

But the focus on mental health happens all school year.

"Getting help through the school looks like a parent, a student, or even a teacher making a connection to anyone of the school-based mental health professionals, to write a referral," Lianie Cuba, MDCPS Mental Health Services Dir. explained.

Not all students are open about their struggles, that's why she told CBS4 there are signs parents can look for at home.  

They include mood swings, loss of appetite, and outbursts or hostility. 

There's also an assistance line for parents who need help with the discussion, it's 305-995-7100.

"We can all go through anything no matter what age we are, how we look anything," Emilie Ferradas said.

The key reminder at the end of the day, you don't have to face mental health struggles alone.  

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