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Look Younger Using Your Own Body Fat

DELRAY BEACH (CBS4) - As most of us work hard to get rid of any extra fat we have on our bodies, some people are now using it to look young.

The procedure, called a 'fat transfer' or 'fat grafting', is becoming popular among women too young for a facelift.

Angela Dillon of Boynton Beach said she started looking older than 46 but thought she was too young for a facelift.

"I've seen too many people that have a very stretched look. They call it the Boca look or the Beverly Hills look and that's not something that appealed to me," said Dillon.

When she went to Delray Beach facial plastic surgeon Dr. Jacob Steiger she learned about facial fat graft transfers.

Click Here For More On Fat Grafting

"When we're young we can consider our face kind of like a grape. What happens as we age is that grape becomes a raisin. So with fat grafting (you) take that raisin and bring it back to a grape," explained Steiger.

The procedure starts with fat being removed from the patient's thighs, abdomen or sides. It goes through a purification process and is then distilled and individual fat cells are removed. Then the fat is placed in syringes and injected into certain areas of the face for a more natural look.

Angela said after the procedure she felt, and looked, ten years younger.

"I don't have dark circles under my eyes. I don't have the wrinkles around my eyes. It's actually lifted my eyebrows a little bit so that I don't have as much saggy skin around my eyes like I did before," said Dillon.

Fat transfer is generally considered safer than using synthetic fillers because it comes from the patient's own body. The procedure costs between four and five thousand dollars.

What Others Are Saying About Fat Grafting

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