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LeBron Tweets About Manning

MIAMI (CBS4) - Twitter has become both a popular commenting tool with professional athletes and a pain, as comments on the social networking website can often draw unwanted scrutiny on the comments.

Miami Heat star LeBron James has been a big proponent of Twitter, but some recent comments aimed at ESPN NFL analyst Trent Dilfer have stirred up some controversy.

James said on Twitter he was watching Sportscenter and heard Trent Dilfer, "talking bad on how Peyton Manning is playing as of late!" James went on to say, "In his wildest dream could never do the thing Peyton does on the field."

Dilfer was criticizing Manning's play as of late. Manning has thrown 11 interceptions in the last few games, the worst streak of his career. Dilfer, along with other NFL analysts, have been trying to dissect what is wrong with Manning's game the last few weeks.

LeBron also said that, "People get on TV and think they can say whatever they want! And it's always former players! Crazy!!"

James is likely still upset over some of the negative comments made his way during the TNT broadcast of the Heat game against the Cleveland Cavaliers. In that game, TNT analysts, including Charles Barkley, were very critical of LeBron and his on and off the court actions.

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