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Lauderhill Street Flooding Creates Problems, City Offers Sandbags

LAUDERHILL – Lauderhill residents protected their homes with sandbags Monday night as flood waters lingered inches from their properties.

At NW 50 Street and NW 82 Terrace, a Lauderhill police officer patrolled the street, limiting entry to locals only.

Drivers were warned to drive with caution.

"I know the road, so I take my time," one man said through the window of his pick-up.

The City of Lauderhill stepped in to provide sandbags to residents whose homes were being threatened by the standing water.

"We're in one of the unfortunate communities in Lauderhill where the water unfortunately didn't recede and the canals are overflowing," resident Scott Colbert said. "I've got about 3 feet left before the water comes in to my garage."

Water-filled roads not the only sign of Isaac's passage. In Plantation, people in the Cocoranda community were without power for more than 16 hours.

"It's hot," Winston Haffizulla said. "My wife cannot take the heat. I'm outside most time in the rain."

This Haffizulla family filled a cooler with ice and the contents of their refrigerator before power was finally restored. Winston's daughter brought home a bottle of wine from the store to help her sleep in case the air conditioning wasn't back on.

In Hollywood, a pregnant woman suffered minor injuries when part of her ceiling caved in.

Her neighbor at the duplex was also forced from her home.

"I'm grateful this was a tropical storm and not a Category 1 or Category 2," said Jonelle Jean-Paul. "That would have been a catastrophe."

The landlord of that duplex said he was aware of the roof leak and had been asking to fix it for some time. Jean-Paul said she's been waiting for months.

If your neighborhood is still filled with standing water, authorities urge you not to walk or drive through the area if you don't know how deep it is.



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