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JetBlue Passengers Removed From Flight After Directing Remarks At Ivanka Trump

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PALM BEACH (CBSMiami) — Ivanka Trump, daughter of President-elect Donald Trump, was reportedly verbally accosted on a JetBlue flight by a fellow passenger.

CBS News reports a man holding a child in his arms started yelling at Ivanka Trump, "Your father is ruining the country…Why is she on our flight? She should be flying private."

Another passenger told TMZ that Ivanka Trump tried to distract her children and ignore the man.

The man was eventually removed from the plane.

"You're kicking me off for expressing my opinion," he yelled, TMZ reported.

Matthew Lasner, who claimed to be the husband of the passenger, said on Twitter that JetBlue staff kicked him and his husband off the flight from New York's Kennedy airport to Florida on Thursday after overhearing his husband's remarks.

Lasner tweeted earlier that his husband was chasing the couple down in the terminal "to harass them."

Lasner has since deleted his Twitter account.

The Trump transition team and U.S. Secret Service have not made any comment on the incident.

Two officials confirmed the incident involving Trump and said that the passenger was yelling at Trump and her family from a distance, and the decision to remove the passenger was made by JetBlue.

JetBlue released a statement to CBS News, which read:

"The decision to remove a customer from a flight is not taken lightly. If the crew determines that a customer is causing conflict on the aircraft, the customer will be asked to deplane, especially if the crew feels the situation runs the risk of escalation during flight. In this instance, our team worked to re-accommodate the party on the next available flight."

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