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Internet Becoming Ultimate Time Waster

MIAMI (CBS4) - A Pew Research Center study shows you might be... nearly three quarters of adults who use the internet go online for no reason at all.

My first reaction: do we really need another way to waste time?

Did millions of us need to go online to see the huge crocodile they caught in the Phillipines?

Or all those kitten videos? More than three milliion checked out these guys on a treadmill.

Did hundreds of thousands of you have to watch me and Shannon losing it when I read a funny story?

Probably not, but when does laughter hurt?

Almost two hundred million of you can't be wrong about watching the brilliant "Evolution of Dance."

How could you not shed a tear seeing a dog mourn a fallen Navy Seal?

Or be inspired by the reunion, years later, of a lion with the men who cared for it as a cub and then set it free?

Idle hands are the devil's tools and idleness on the internet has led to some terrible results, including awful recent cases of gossip and bullying.

But the net is a spectacular tool, even when you want to use not do much at all.

And yes, there is a certain amount of irony posting this online.

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