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Immigration Fight Personal For South Dade College Student

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) - President Donald Trump's immigration and travel ban, currently on hold by the courts, have been a topic of conversation in many homes across South Florida including that of Juan Carlos Caravantes.

"We've had conversations about packing our bags for an emergency trip back to Mexico," said Caravantes.

The 22-year-old's family is preparing for a return trip he never thought he would have to make.

"That's my birth place, but this is my true home," he said.

Caravantes was just four years old when his parents brought him and his siblings across the U.S./Mexico border. His upbringing in the U.S. is complete with visits to Santa Clause and graduation celebrations. Now, he's in college and works at a South Dade farm with his parents.

However, the experience of being undocumented isn't all-American.

Caravantes said he's tense around police officers. When his dad lost an eye in a work incident, he was scared to get help. When his mother's parents died in Mexico, she couldn't attend the funeral. He said living in the shadows has especially taken a toll on his mother.

"She's tired. She's done her work. She's done as much as she could to give us as much as she can," said Caravantes.

Fearing deportation despite being a DACA recipient, for Caravantes the only thing left to do is let his story be heard. He volunteers with a pro-immigrant group who tries to sway people with power who can make a change.

On Friday he spoke at the Miami-Dade County Commission special hearing on immigration. Still, he's not too hopeful.

"Maybe tomorrow it was all for nothing cause we're getting sent back to Mexico," he said.

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