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Honeymoon Over For Gov. Rick Scott

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4) - More and more Florida voters are not happy with Governor Rick Scott.

In the latest Quinnipiac University poll, 48 percent said they disapproved of Scott's performance during his first three months in office; however 35 percent said he was doing a good job.

The phone survey, 1,499 voters picked at random, was taken between March 29th and April 4th.

The latest poll presented a very different picture than one released only two months before which showed a negative rating of only 22 percent with a 35 percent approval rating.

In comparison Scott's predecessor, former Gov. Charlie Crist, enjoyed a 73 percent approval rating after his first six months compared with 11 percent who disliked him.

The Republican-led Legislature was just as unpopular with 35 percent approving of their work compared to 47 percent who disapproved.

Eighty percent of Democrats and one-third of Republicans surveyed said they disapproved of how Scott was handling the state budget. Nearly half, 47 percent, said Scott's proposed budget cuts went too far, 16 percent said they didn't go far enough and 29 percent said they were about right.

Nearly two-thirds (65 percent) said they preferred balancing the budget through spending cuts rather than raising taxes, compared to 29 percent who favored higher taxes to avoid excessive cuts. Scott, however, would like to make cuts and also slash some property and business taxes.

Women, by a 59 percent to 30 percent margin, said Scott's budget proposal was unfair to them.

(©2011 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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