Hollywood Residents Divided On Repeal & Replacement Of Obamacare
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HOLLYWOOD (CBSMiami) – With yet another Republican Senate health care plan going down, people are getting anxious.
"When that Senate bill, I got the bing at midnight last night, I think we all just kind of sank and said, 'Wow! The politicians just aren't working for the American people!'" said Felicia Anderson from Cooper City.
Anderson had high hopes for congressional plans. She wants to see Obamacare repealed. Now she's frustrated with Congress – both parties.
"The American people are hurting," she said. "So when they see Congress not taking action, some of the politicians that are being total obstructionists, and behind closed doors again, I think the American people are tired of it."
Anderson has two grown children and doesn't need the same coverage she once had. She's hoping eventually, law makers will pass something that allows her to pick and choose and shop for the best price.
"Freedom is choice," Anderson said, "So give the American people choices, not the government, give the people their freedom back."
Related: Trump Blasts Congress Over Failure Of GOP Health Care Bill
On the other side, Oren Kiriat, also from Hollywood, is about to take his sick 5-year-old child to the doctor. He and his wife have two sets of twins, ages 4 and 5. The family has insurance through the Obamacare exchange, which costs $500 a month for all of them.
"We've chosen to go with a high out of pocket plan, and we do have a lot of surprises as we have four children," said Kiriat. "But so far this year it's proven to be a wise choice."
When Kiriat and his wife opened their own Medical Spa in Wilton Manors the exchange worked well for them. They like their coverage, but know there are problems.
"Our health plan isn't perfect, I mean that's not even a question, so improvements are necessary," he said.
He worries about what lawmakers will decide, and is concerned by the talk of repealing the Affordable Care Act without an immediate replacement.
"If that's repealed and there's no understanding of what's to come that's a very scary thought for me as a head of household, my wife as a head of household and our children," he said.