Memorial Regional Hospital's Kidney Transplant Program Marks Major Milestone
HOLLYWOOD (CBSMiami) - An overjoyed mother got to see her 31-year-old daughter mark a major milestone for a Hollywood hospital.
"It's a gift, for my daughter an opportunity, she's living," said Jeny Cahua.
Her daughter, Catherine Cahua, was the 50th patient to receive a kidney transplant at Memorial Regional Hospital after suffering from an autoimmune disease. Her doctors simply call her a success.
For Allan Gottesman to be number 49 is beyond words.
"I consider myself a good friend, but I haven't given a kidney, I received one," he said. "So you can imagine I'm a little emotional."
Gottesman, a cancer survivor who's life-saving chemotherapy destroyed his kidneys, hand in hand with his living donor, Lorie Matkick, on Monday.
They were side by side in the operating room, as he waited to receive her organ, she's a life-long friend.
"How lucky am I that I have a friend willing to give a kidney, you know, I'll drop you off at the airport, I'll do the shopping for you," he said jokingly.
It's also a new life for Jermaine Toomer.
"I don't have to be stuck to a machine for three hours," he said.
Toomer is a pediatric recipient who's kidney suddenly failed at the age of 15.
All together they represent a major achievement for the hospital since the program's inception just over a year ago.
Medical Director Dr. Juan Arenas said it's not just the value of 50, it's what it means for the future of transplant patients.
"Reaching 50 in such a short time is very big because it allows us to continue to grow and bring more options to those patients in need so they do not suffer and do not die while waiting for a transplant, there are more to come," he said.
The Memorial Transplant Institute, based at Memorial Regional Hospital, is the only center in Broward County -- and one of only two programs in South Florida -- to offer kidney transplants for both children and adults. The institute offers patients medical expertise, integrated teams of transplant professionals, personal attention, and follow-up care close to home.