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Hole Forces Jet To Return To Miami International

MIAMI (CBS4) - Passengers aboard an American Airlines flight to Boston last Tuesday got quite a scare around 30 minutes into the flight.

The plane experienced rapid decompression leading to oxygen masks being deployed and the flight coming back to Miami.

The cause of the problem is still unknown, but investigators found a hole in the plane. The hole was over the front door of the Boeing 757-223 where passengers typically enter. American Airlines described the hole as small, roughly one foot by two feet.

American Airlines issued a statement Thursday afternoon that said in part: The crew declared an emergency and made a normal landing. There were no injuries. The aircraft has been taken out of service. The cause of the loss of cabin pressure is unknown at this time. American Airlines has assigned a team of engineers and maintenance technicians who are evaluating the aircraft.

While no one was hurt in the incident, it left passengers traveling out of Miami International Thursday a little nervous as they headed towards their flights.

"That's scary; very scary," said Lynee Aaron. American Airlines passenger Mark Tremburly agreed, "It shouldn't happen, that's for sure."

The NTSB is investigating the incident and a preliminary report is expected to be available next week. A final report won't be issued for several months after that.

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