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Here's what you need to know about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Israel's history of survival through conflict
Israel's history of survival through conflict 02:32

MIAMI - How did it get to this? Israel in conflict. Under attack. Sadly, nothing new here has been going on since the turn of the last century when the British who were in charge of Palestine were "promising a homeland for the Jews in Palestine, while and the same time working with Arab nationalists across the region who thought they were going to get a unified Arab state," said Eric Lob, professor of politics and international relations at Florida International University.

Fast forward to 1948, with the British gone and the creation of the Jewish State. Israel surrounded by Arab neighbors, attacked and survived the onslaught, the nation emerged as a Democratic outpost, but not without almost continual conflict and outright combat like the Six Day War of 1967 against a coalition of Arab States. the Yom Kippur War in 1973, again Arab States led by Egypt and Syria.

What to know about the Israel-Hamas War 02:59

Professor Lob says, "Nothing really has changed..."

The question is whose homeland is it? Both sides claim prior rights to the land going way back.

Case in point, Jerusalem, Dome of the Rock and the Wailing Wall, sharing mighty close quarters.

"The Dome of the Rock and the Wailing Wall being the holiest site for Jews and the third holiest site for Muslims."

Israel controls the site and all of the West Bank. 

"In an added way, even more combustible, because you are adding religion on top of nationalism."

Over the years attempts at peace in the Middle East...not much success and now the violence of the Gaza Strip.

"You have a right-wing government in Israel which is taking an extremely maximalist position and in many ways is paying a price for that position. On the flip side, Hamas taking a maximalist position and not recognizing the state and wanting to destroy the state.

No optimism from the professor...he told Hank Tester, "It is very hard to see how this is going to be resolved in our lifetime. 

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