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Grill Grrrl Recipe: Grilled Mini Caprese Pizzas

Pizza is not just for ovens anymore. The grill is a great place to do pizza because you get nice grate marks on the dough that adds a nice touch as the grill actually cooks the pizza dough.
These mini pizzas are easier to do because it is easier to flip multiple pizza dough disks than it is to do one gigantic piece of dough and also allows you to avoid "hot spots" on the grill that might burn the dough.

This recipe is great for tailgating as it requires minimal ingredients and everything can be prepped the night before.


  • One package refrigerated pizza dough (or you can make your own)
  • Fresh Mozzarella cheese- cut into bite size pieces
  • basil
  • salt, pepper
  • olive oil
  • One-Two tomatoes

Preheat grill to medium heat. Then, roll out the pizza dough on a flat surface. Using a small bowl or wide mouthed glass, cut the dough into small circles to make the mini pizzas. Roll leftover dough pieces together, flatten and repeat cutting into small circular cutouts.
Brush both sides of the dough with olive oil. Make sure your grill has been sprayed with non stick spray. Grill the dough until grate marks appear, about 5 minutes. Flip the dough, then, with recently grilled side up, add tomato slices, a piece of basil, and the mozzarella.
Grill for 5 minutes or until cheese has melted.
This recipe can easily be adapted for meatlovers with the addition of cappicola or pepperoni.

Robyn Lindars, aka "The Grill Girl", writes about BBQ and Grilling on her site Grill Grrrl and hosts Womens Grilling Clinics to encourage women to learn the art of grilling.

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