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Governor Scott Plans To Run For Re-Election

MIAMI ( – Florida Governor Rick Scott has become arguably the most unpopular governor in the United State just six months after taking office. But Scott seems immune to the reality and vows to continue on the same path he charted in the 2010 election.

"My job is to be governor and do the right things, make the tough decisions, not try to be the most popular," Scott told CBS4's Ted Scouten.

His policies have seen his support erode from the mid-40's to a recent poll that found he has just a 27 percent approval rating. That's no surprise to Florida democrats.

"I think the only person, perhaps, other than the tea party, who thinks he's doing a great job, as we've seen on commercials is his mom," said Broward Democratic Chairman Mitch Ceasar.

"I give him somewhere between a 'B' and a 'C'," said South Florida Tea Party Chairman Everett Wilkinson who calls himself a "pseudo-supporter."

Wilkinson likes the governor, especially his budget slashing, but he feels Governor Scott is inaccessible and should go further with cutting spending.

"I think that he's an average governor," Wilkinson said. "We'll have to see, it's 6 months, it's hard to give a grade after 6 months."

"Some of the comments or criticisms," noted CBS 4 Reporter Ted Scouten, "say you appear aloof, or not in touch with the middle class, based on the policies you support."

"Oh gosh," Scott said, "everything that I do, I think about education for kids, jobs for people, not raising the cost of living in our state."
Critics say he signed off on devastating cuts to education– a claim he denies -- that jobs are not flooding in as he promised – he says we're leading the way nationwide…as for not raising the cost of living in the state – opponents point to our skyrocketing homeowners insurance.

Despite the criticism and the fact that many just don't like him, Scott vows to stick to his plan, come what may.

"Are you willing to be a one-term governor, knowing that your popularity is not there, but you believe in you're doing?" asked Scouten.

"I plan on running for re-election. I like what I'm doing. I like people. I like to have a positive influence on their lives," Scott responded.

Click here to watch the entire interview.

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