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Governor-elect Rick Scott Rallies Crowd In Little Havana

LITTLE HAVANA (CBS4) - Florida Governor-elect Rick Scott inched his way through a crush of supporters in Little Havana Wednesday night, his last stop on a two-day statewide tour.

"My job is exactly what I said in the campaign, let's get to work," he said speaking at a Domino park surrounded by local officials.

Again, he echoed his message and promise of putting Floridians back to work.

"I'll do everything I can to reduce regulation so if you want to start a business it's easier, there is less government telling you what to do and stop wasting your money," said the Governor-elect.

It is a promise thousands of struggling South Floridians out of work and caught in the grip of one of the worst economic slumps in U.S. history hope he can make good on.

His supporters are confident he can.

"I like his authenticity and he has a business background which he can bring to the Governor's office,'' said supporter Dr. Anthony Japor.

"I like his transparency and authenticity as well, and it's easy to support someone you believe can do what they say they can do," said supporter Nicole Shelley.

Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado is encouraged by the Governor-elect choosing South Florida as the last leg of his statewide tour.

He sees it as the makings of a promising and hopefully prosperous relationship.

"I'm hoping he won't cut social services, which we need and we're all in favor of jobs," said the Mayor.

The Governor-elect will be sworn in on January 4th.

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