Free Lead Testing For Kids Who Played At Toxic Miami Park
MIAMI (CBS4 – A program which offers free help for children who may have been exposed to lead in the soil at Miami's Olinda Park has been extended.
The Miami-Dade County Health Department will continue to offer free rapid lead blood testing for any children who may have visited Olinda Park, located at 5100 NW 21st Avenue, due to high levels of lead contamination found in the soil at the park.
Lead testing is recommended for children under the age of six since they are considered to be at higher risk for lead poisoning because they tend to put their hands or other objects into their mouths; they absorb a greater amount of lead; and their developing bodies are more vulnerable to the effects of lead. Exposure to lead can cause serious health and developmental problems in children.
Last week, Senator Bill Nelson visited a health center in Miami which was offering the free blood tests for kids and requested two federal agencies to help.
"If the county or state needs any help in taking care of this situation, I've asked the federal environment and health agencies to monitor and stand ready to assist," Nelson said in a statement.
More than 135 kids have been tested so far and 22,000 fliers have been sent out to the community.
The rapid lead blood testing is being offered, free of charge, at the Jessie Trice Community Health Center, located at 5361 NW 22nd Avenue, Miami from Monday July 18 through Friday July 22 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.