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Former FIU President Mark Rosenberg to return to school in teaching role after stepping down from admin post

MIAMI -- Florida International University's former president, who resigned the administrative post over misconduct allegations filed by a female co-worker, is expected to return to the college in a teaching role.

In an email statement to CBS 4, an FIU spokesperson confirmed that Mark Rosenberg, 73, will return to the campus next January to teach an elective course.

He will be paid just shy of $377,000 to serve as an instructor for the class.

The former university leader has been on a paid sabbatical since leaving the post nine months ago. According to the Miami Herald, he was still earning his $502,578 salary while on sabbatical..

But when he returns to lead the spring semester class at the Steven J. Green School of International &  Public Affairs, his salary will drop by nearly $126,000, officials said.

Rosenberg resigned the university's presidency after a woman who worked with him in his office accused him of making unwanted sexual advances. 

"I've obviously done a lot of reflection during my sabbatical," Rosenberg told the Herald Wednesday. "And I'm excited to be coming back. I have a lot of appreciation for the university and the people who work there."'

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