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Residents Outraged After Ford Trucks Stolen From Pompano Beach Neighborhood

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POMPANO BEACH (CBSMiami) – A Pompano Beach neighborhood is on alert for car thefts.

The Broward Sheriff's Office said car thefts are on the rise in the city and in one community residents said they've had several Ford trucks stolen – including two just this week.

"They were definitely pros," said Ted Bowman, who showed us the spot where thieves stole his Ford F-250 truck sometime early Tuesday morning. "They're very stealthy. There wasn't a mark from a tow truck or a squealed tire or anything."

And it's not an isolated case.

"Within the eight houses here, they've taken three trucks," Bowman said. "There's definitely some kind of problem going on."

Dean Pazin lives a few doors from Bowman. A couple of days after Thanksgiving last year Pazin said someone stole his Ford truck from the front of his home. It was recovered a few days later in Hollywood, completely stripped.

"They took the whole bed of the truck, the door panels, the seats," Pazin said.

He wants other truck owners to remember a few tips: back your truck into the parking spot, put on the emergency brake and invest in a tracking device.

"They're coming for them trucks," Pazin said. "If you have one, they're gonna try to steal it. That's for sure."

And on Monday night, a few blocks away, another resident, Shari McFarland, said someone stole her family's Ford truck.

Bowman knows he'll probably never get his truck back. But he's trying to take it in stride.

"What can you do? It's not an arm or a leg, thank God," he said. "Family and that's the most important thing but I mean it's gonna be a big inconvenience. Probably cost me money."

CBS4 News did some digging. According to an article from USA Today from 2013, data collected across the country showed that the Ford F-250 truck was the favorite of thieves.

The Broward Sheriff's Office, which patrols Pompano Beach, told CBS4 News that while auto thefts are up in Pompano they are not seeing a particular trend towards stealing Ford trucks.

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