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Facebook Fans' Biggest Pet Peeves

MIAMI (CBS4) - Are you a Facebook user that feels compelled to update your status according to how you feel, what you do, or to boast about your wonderful life?  A recent survey shows that some of your social network friends may find you annoying.

The daily deals site Eversave asked 400 women about the relationships they share with their Facebook friends, and many of them expressed that they are fed up with fellow users' status updates.

"It gets to a point where you don't want to use it anymore," said Facebook user Carl Acosta. "Everyone's business is there."

The survey found that for many of the women on Facebook, their true feelings about some of their "friends" may be less than friendly.

"I want to see your pictures once in a while, I want to be in contact with you but I'm not interested in every single second what group, photo you participate in," said Facebook user Edith Kleiner.

"What they're cooking, what they're eating, how they're feeling... It's there every step of the way," said Acosta.

The study found that 63 percent of the Facebook users asked agreed that their biggest pet peeve were the friends who complain via status update.  Forty-one percent said the next most irritating status updaters were the ones who post their political views, and 32 percent find the braggers agitating.

"What they're cooking, what they're eating, how they're feeling... It's there every step of the way," said Acosta.

But despite the complaints, the positive continues to outweigh the negative when it comes to why many continue to use the social networking site.

"I have a lot of friends that I haven't seen for a long time and sometimes I use it to see what they are doing. They have kids," said Aura Gallego.

So whether you're the bragger, the whiner, the drama queen, or the proud mother, it seems your Facebook status says more about you than you think.


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