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Miami Beach Officers Hailed A Hero For Saving Man In Fire

MIAMI BEACH (CBS4)- The three police officers who ran into a burning house Friday morning to save an elderly man will be up for commendations and are being called heroes by Miami Beach Police Chief Carlos Noriega.

"It's what we've been doing for years," said Officer Robert Chenoweth. "We become pretty used to this, helping people like this."

Officer Chenoweth was first on the scene and ran into the burning home on the 2300 block of Prairie Avenue on Miami Beach. He helped 85-year-old Walter Gayman out of the house as flames billowed through the home.

"I started yelling to see if anyone was inside and I began banging on the windows," said Chenoweth, a 16-year veteran. "Then I went inside with Sergeant Feldman and he walked him out. Officer Grant Reid was also inside the home."

Chenoweth, and fellow officers Reid and Sergeant Steven Feldman are humble about their actions, which left Gayman almost speechless.

"I didn't know that they had such a force, I am amazed," Gayman said. "They do everything they can to help people."

For Sergeant Feldman and Officer Reid, they said it's all in the line of duty and what they're supposed to do in an emergency.

"That's why we are here," Sgt. Feldman said. "We are called to help and we are there."

"We do this every day," Officer Reid said. "This isn't the first time that we have been called to help. It is what we do."

Gayman said he is not sure how the blaze started.

"It seems like it was coming up from the floor," Gayman said. "It was like a mystery. It's mind-boggling. It was so big, I got the hell out of there."

Gayman wasn't insured because he couldn't afford a policy. And even though his home is a total loss, he's just grateful he survived with the help of Miami Beach's finest.

"This is the most wonderful group I ever met," Gayman said. "They're unbelievable, every one of them."

Gayman has a cottage to live in and, thanks to the Miami Beach Police, celebrate his 86th birthday on March 14th.

"I congratulate these officers," said Carlos Noriega at a news conference inside Miami Beach Police headquarters. "They are truly heroes. And this is all about saving lives."

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