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USGS Warning: Do Not Try To Roast Marshmallows Over Erupting Hawaii Volcano

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(KDKA/CBS LOCAL) -- You would think it would go without saying, but the U.S. Geological Survey took to Twitter on Tuesday to warn residents not to try and roast marshmallows over the erupting Hawaiian volcano.

The USGS responded to one Twitter user who asked, "Is it safe to roast marshmallows over volcanic vents? Assuming you had a long enough stick, that is? Or would the resulting marshmallows be poisonous?"

The USGS responded: "Erm, We're going to have to say no, that's not safe. (Please don't try!)"

Not only would it not be safe, the USGS says the marshmallows would taste very bad.

The volcanic vents could be emitting sulfur dioxide or hydrogen sulfide, and the USGS says the sulfuric acid from the volcanic smog would create a "pretty spectacular reaction."

Earlier in the day Tuesday officials issued a warning that a fast-moving lava flow was flowing through the Leilani Estates community in Hawaii. Residents were urged to evacuate to avoid being trapped by the lava.

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