Could Beards Be Bad For Your Health?
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MIAMI (CBSMiami) – Men sporting facial hair is a hot trend at the moment, but there could be a downside, according to some experts.
From athletes to actors, to the boy next door, beards are in—and many women give them the thumbs up. But there are health concerns, experts warn, as beard bacteria can be transmitted to the mouth and can cause illness.
Dr. Daniel Yadager says the coarseness of beard hair can provide a ripe environment for bacteria.
"I think things get trapped in there so bacteria can be trapped and can grow as a result," said Dr. Yadager.
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Not only can the bacteria cause an illness to the man with facial hair, it can also be transmitted.
"Viruses can be passed from person to person through contact and a beard would be a point of contact for that," said Dr. Yadager.
Having a beard can also lead to skin infections.
"You can end up with painful bumps on your face, sometimes they can drain, they can definitely be unsightly, sometimes they can scar," said Dr. Marie Leger, with NYU Langone Medical Center.
It's called folliculitis—a painful inflammation caused by ingrown beard hairs.
"It was kind of like torture because the right side of my face was hurting for a few days," said Jeff Owens.
But experts say there's no need to ditch the beard all together.
Men's Health Magazine Editor Brian Boye said upkeep is the key to preventing problems.
"Wash it regularly. Keep it conditioned with hair conditioner or beard oil. Those are the two simplest things you can do," he said.
Boye said some men think a beard is less work than shaving, but that's not necessarily true. He added that if you're not up for upkeep, clean-shaven is the way to go.