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Florida Legislature Reaches Budget Deal

TALLAHASSEE (CBS4) – Florida budget leaders have reached a deal on the state's $68 billion spending plan.

Lawmakers had to resolve the issues dividing the Florida House and Senate by Tuesday night or risk extending the legislative session past Friday due to a 72-hour waiting period before a vote can be taken after a compromise is reached.

Key differences between House and Senate budget leaders were over health and human service spending but the log jam was broken in part by a deal on a change to the exemption for corporate income taxes and the resolution of several health care issues.

Gov. Rick Scott asked for $1.7 billion including a $458 million cut in corporate income tax. The legislative deal calls for only a $30 million corporate tax cut. Most of the relief would be in property tax.

The breakthrough Tuesday also includes $308 million in tax cuts and no cuts to the state's Medically Needy program or substance abuse efforts.

They planned to meet later in the day to resolve a few remaining details, setting the stage for an on-time finish to the annual legislative session on Friday.

The final budget is expected to top $67 billion with nearly $4 billion in spending cuts.

(©2011 CBS Local Media, a division of CBS Radio Inc. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The Associated Press contributed to this report.)

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