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Christmas Comes Early For 600 Miami Kids

MIAMI (CBS4) - Christmas came a little early for more than 600 Miami children thanks to the Miami Police Benevolent Association and the Miami Police Department who played Santa.

Thursday the department held their 20th annual toy give away and party. Of course, all the kids had their wish list.

"I want a bike and an electric scooter," said 4th grader Warnisha Hall.

The toy give away is a labor of love for Miami police and the PBA; the kids invited to the party are some of the neediest in the city. Every year the department teams up with local businesses which make donations of toys, games, dolls and even several bikes.

"You know we do visit a lot of the kids in their homes when we go on calls and we see the reality of the situation," said Miami Police Chief Miguel Exposito. "It is rough, we live in some very rough times right now and this is just a way to make it a little bit better."

"It made me feel real happy because I got a lot of Christmas presents," said 5th grader Crystal Flowers.

The children at Thursday party, who each received a gift from Santa, were selected from 32 schools across the city. Police said the toy give away party was their kick off celebration and they'll have two more events in the coming month where they'll be helping the needy in the community and, of course, giving away more toys.

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