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Cancer Patient Says She Was Conned At Doc's Office

MIAMI BEACH (CBS4) --A South Florida woman is facing serious charges after she is accused of fraudulently taking cash payments for the treatment of cancer patients.

Mildred Roca was supposed to be helping cancer patients. Instead, Miami Beach Police say, she was ripping them off. The 56-year old worked at Aptium Oncology on the Mount Sinai campus and she now faces five counts of grand theft.

Roca allegedly told patients if they paid cash they would get medical discounts. CBS4 didn't find Roca at her Miami Beach apartment but one alleged victim had plenty to say.

Brain tumor patient Denise Cargill said she handed over cash—lots of it. She spoke to CBS4's Michael Williams Friday night from her home in Nassau, Bahamas.

"I brought in $2050 in cash and proceeded to give it to her," said Cargill.

Cargill says she then witnessed Roca put half the money in an office cabinet while holding on to the other half. Cargill recalled, "She placed the other set of money in her bosom and said she would deposit it in the morning. Apparently that never happened."

Now Roca stands accused of theft totaling more than $12,000. She's been fired from her job and faces plenty of questions from patients with shaken confidence.

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