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Bosh Opines On Who Takes Last Shot

MIAMI (CBSMiami) – In a new interview with GQ magazine, Miami Heat power forward Chris Bosh reiterated what most in the NBA believed about who gets the final shot for the Heat.

GQ asked Bosh a hypothetical question that if all of the Big Three had the exact same stats and it came down to the final shot, who would take it?

Without missing a beat, Bosh said it would be shooting guard Dwyane Wade. Bosh said he picked wade because of his success in the past.

"He's a champ. He's an MVP, and he's hit a bunch of last-second shots," Bosh told GQ. "That's the time you have to put pride aside a little bit, and do what's best for the team. He's quickest, and he's gonna get a shot off. He relishes those moments."

Some have equated it to Bosh bashing LeBron James, but Bosh, Wade and James have all shown the ability to make the last-second shot.

LeBron himself has been comfortable having Wade taking the final shot, but both Bosh and James have also not hesitated to fire up the final shot.

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