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Top Spots For Key Lime Pie In South Florida

Ah, Key Lime pie. It's traditional in Florida because it's made with the fruit of the Key Lime tree, which is yellow and about the size of a marble, and grows in people's back-yards. If it's made with the juice of the traditional green Persian limes you can buy anywhere, it's not quite the same. Your pie should be yellow-green, not lime green, and tart enough to make you pucker. Virtually every restaurant in South Florida offers it, and most markets sell it. Each of these pies is recommended, but the fun is trying each one to make your own choice.

Kermit's Key West Key Lime Shoppe

200A Elizabeth Street
Key West, FL 33040
(305) 296-0806

It's almost a reason in itself to travel from Miami to the Keys. Kermit's Key Lime pies have been praised on nationally broadcast TVfood shows, and there's a reason. This is a truly traditional pie, with a rich graham cracker crust, smooth, tart filling, and dotted with whipped cream. The filling will make your lips pucker about, but that's the best part of a great Key Lime pie. If you like the lime, this shop is for you. You can find jelly, marinades, honey, and even wing sauce made with the juice of the Key lime. You could create a whole Key lime-themed meal with what you find here. You can even order online!

Ice Box Cafe

1657 Michigan Avenue
Miami Beach, Fl. 33139
(305) 538-8443

Most Key Lime pies are not what you'd call thick; they are so rich, you really can't eat a huge piece without dismissing your diet, but at the Ice Box Cafe, their bakers believe you can't get enough of a good thing. That's why they serve their creamy, tart Key Lime pie deep-dish style. The crust is graham cracker, and robust, and the custard-like filling never seems to end. It's an outstanding slice, if not a bit pricey; you can buy a while pie at the market for what you pay for a slice here. However, it's well worth a try, and the other baked goods at the Cafe are worth a look. Indulgent.

Joe's Stone Crab

11 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
(305) 673-0365

Joe's is one of the most famous restaurants in South Florida, and, of course, it's known for its stone crabs, meaty claws, served chilled, with a mustard sauce. Many believe you haven't truly dined in Miami unless you've eaten at Joe's. But we do not live by claws alone; almost as famous as the crabs is Joe's Key Lime pie. Many consider it the best of breed, and it certainly does live up to that claim. Baked for Joe's using the restaurant's traditional recipe, it offers a decadent graham cracker crust, a very tart filling, and a dollop of whipped cream to finish. Delicious. Let everyone wait in that long, long line of people waiting for your table while you indulge. You can order a pie online, or make it yourself; find the recipe here.

Blond Giraffe Key Lime Pie Factory

6 Locations, including
412 Greene Street
Key West, Fl. 33040
(305) 294-0080

A true Key Lime pie is rich and creamy, almost like custard, not like a lemon meringue pie, where the filling is almost gooey. Purists cover their Key Lime pie with whipped cream, but there is a school that thinks meringue is fine as well, and that's what you find at the Blond Giraffe. They have shops dotting Key West and one in Marathon, and they serve a tasty tart pie capped with meringue, with something unique: a crust made of crushed vanilla cookies. It's not the traditional graham cracker you find in most Key Lime pies, but it works. The pies are not made on site; they're shipped from a factory about 100 miles to the north, but taste one and you won't care where they were made. Want something unique? Try the Key Lime pie dipped in chocolate, on a stick. It's almost a sin.

Terry's Key Lime Pies

Bob Roth's New River Groves
5660 Griffin Rd
Davie, FL 33314-4537
(954) 581-8630

A trip to this iconic center for South Florida citrus is a two-for-one deal; not only can you get the Key Lime pie that was instrumental in having that dessert declared the official Pie of the state of Florida, you can get oranges (in season) and other citrus products from the only remaining orange grove in South Florida. The Key Lime pie is just one of a host of pies house-made at the grove, and they taste like you made them at home. Creamy, tart filling in a luscious graham cracker crust, topped with a more-than generous slathering of whipped cream, they are a great dessert. But while key lime purists frown at people who mess with the traditional formula, Terry's offers variations, some seasonally. They include a Pumpkin Key Lime pie and, in a combination of two of Florida's favorite flavors, an Orange Key Lime pie. You can get traditional Key Lime in smaller tarts, and if you fall in love with them but don't want to drive, Bob will deliver, though it's not cheap. Take note: pies do run out, so come early for the best chance of satisfying your sweet tooth.

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