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Back To School: Some students may be anxious about new year

Back To School: Some student may feel anxiety about new school year
Back To School: Some student may feel anxiety about new school year 01:51

MIAMI - It's that time.

Students in Monroe County return to school this week. For Miami-Dade, students return next week and in Broward a few days later.

Thoughts of going back to the classroom may be exciting for some, but others may feel uneasy.

Subtract summer, add a new classroom, a new teacher, new classmates, and maybe a little anxiety about it all.

Health experts say it's normal to be nervous and kids may have more than one feeling at a time.

Licensed therapist Jody Baumstein those feelings of anxiety may look different in children than in adults.

"If you notice that they're really fidgety or tearful or they can't make eye contact when you're talking about school, that might be a good indicator that they're feeling some uneasiness," she said.

Baumstein said to figure out what's causing the anxiety, ask open-ended questions and listen to your child. You can then put their mind at ease through problem-solving.

"If they're really nervous about being able to unlock their locker quickly, get a lock at home and help them practice it," she said.

While you can't remove all stress in a child's life, Baumstein said healthy habits can help, that includes quality sleep, good nutrition, being active, and reducing screen time. It's also important to teach coping skills.

"Like learning how to take really deep breaths to calm their body so their brain is able to think clearly. Or, teaching them how to use their senses to bring them into the present moment," she said.  

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