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Anti-Trump Rallies Held At Bayfront Park, Palm Beach

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MIAMI (CBSMiami) -- Hundreds of protesters gathered at Bayfront Park on Saturday, holding signs and standing in opposition against President Trump's executive actions on immigration.

"No hate! No fear! Refugees are welcome here," the crowd chanted.

The event was put together on social media, calling for a "massive protest in the City of Miami" and asking for at least 1,000 people to show up.

"This week was the final straw," organizers said on their Facebook page. "Trump signed repressive, inhuman executive orders. We will not stand to have them!!"

Susan Sarram is an Iranian-American and said she was impacted by the controversial travel ban that targeted seven predominantly Muslim countries.

"My sister was going to come visit me and her visa was revoked," she said. "My parents cannot come and see me and I cannot go and see them, so we are separated."

The crowd made several stops along their march, including the Miami-Dade Courthouse, hoping their message gets to President Trump, who's in town this weekend at his Mar-O-Lago estate.

"We're making it very clear that something's not right," said protester Mable Ivory. "Something's out of line and what's happening, and where people want the nation to be, there's a lot of discord."

Protest organizers made several demands, including protection for Miami-Dade residents under a sanctuary status, boycotting any company that "backs the pipelines or threatens immigrants," and a desire to not have a wall built along the U.S.-Mexico border.

"It is on us, the people, to mobilize and show our power to the government! We will not stand to see human rights degraded," the group wrote.

Others wondered what kind of impact protests like these will actually have.

"I feel like if everybody woulda done all these crowds, in all these different states, with all these hundreds of thousands of people, he wouldn't have gotten voted in," said Shomari Akhdar. "But they decided to wait. And this is what waiting gets you. Now it's like a little too late. Shoulda, woulda, coulda."

Protests also were underway in Palm Beach, coinciding with the president's weekend trip to his Mar-A-Lago estate.

Earlier Saturday, the government suspended enforcement of President Trump's refugee and immigration ban, marking a major setback for the White House a week after he acted on his own to push the actions through.

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